
Module that reads a parameter file and returns a dictionary with the variable names and values (all as strings)

The file format is as follows:

  • comments start with # in the first column : # My Comment

  • each line can have one or more name, value pairs, separated by semi colons

    name1 = value1; name2 = value2

In the following example assume that value1 is a float:

>>> pf = parameterfile.pfile('my_file')

As an alternative the data can also be provided in a list of strings. This is useful if parameters are stored in a datafile or are provided from another source.

Example: the data are stored in the string array my_data:

>>> pf = parameterfile.pfile('', data = my_data)

Accessing the values of a parameters file:

>>> value1 = float(['name1'])

Values can also be retrieved using the get_value(name, dtype) function:

>>> value2 = pf.get_value('name2', var_type = float)

Possible data types (dtype) are:

  • float

  • int

  • parameterfile.Bool ( converts ASCII True, False to a python bool value True, False)

If var_type keyword agrument is not used, the function tries to convert to float or bool. If both fails it returns the string value.

Variable names are also called keys.

class LT.parameterfile.pfile(filename, data=None)

Open a parameter file, read it and create a pfile object


>>> pf=pfile('my_datafile')

convert ascii True and False to bool values. Any other value will result in False example:

>>> d.Bool('True')


>>> True

return a list of all data stored


return all data according to the key list which has the following format:

key1:key2:key3: …

get_value(key, var_type=None)

return a value of a given data type for key.

>>> x = get_valye('my_var', var_type = float)

prints an error message and returns none if it cannot convert.

possible data types are: float, int, parameterfile.Bool


return a list of keys


Save values and names as attributes


print the filename associate with this instance


print all data and keys stored


print a list of variable names in the dictionary


write all parameter file data into a new file using the provided file pointer fp which has been obtained from the open statment:

>>> fp = open('new_file.par', 'w')
>>> pf.write_all(fp)