Data Fitting ============ Very frequently one wants to try to extract an interesting quantity from the experimental data. I assume you know the functional relation ship between the different quantities but you do not know the parameters. As an example I take the example data: distance as a function of time. If the object was moving with constant velocity the distance should be a linear function of time, with the slope being the velocity and the y-axis offset the position at :math:`t = 0`. To do this I want to perform a least square fit of a line to the data. Fitting a Line -------------- In order to fit a line (:math:`y = ax + b`, where :math:`a` is the slope and :math:`b` is the y-axis offset) to your data you use the :class:`~LT_Fit.linear_fit.linefit` function. This function needs the data as arrays, so I will use the array ``t`` for the time, ``dexp`` for the distance and ``derr`` for the errors in the distance. To carry out the fit do the following: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [44]: fit = B.linefit(t, dexp, derr) You should see the output .. sourcecode:: ipython In [44]: fit = B.linefit(t, dexp, derr) chisq/dof = 0.661037211585 offset = 3.88359753039 +/- 0.540669925884 slope = 1.86063659417 +/- 0.098317559634 and a plot of the fitted line. The fitted parameters can be accessed as follows: :math:`a =` fit.slope, :math:`b =` fit.offset And their uncertainties are: :math:`\sigma_{a} =` fit.sigma_s, :math:`\sigma_{b} =` fit.sigma_b Remember the slope is the velocity which in this case would be :math:`1.86` with an uncertainty of :math:`\pm 0.1` and and the position at :math:`t = 0` is :math:`3.88 \pm 0.54`. The function returns much more information that you stored in the variable ``fit``. To see it just enter ``fit.res`` and you will get: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [45]: fit.res Out[45]: {'chisquare': 5.9493349042607102, 'cov. matrix': array([[ 0.44222014, -0.06453747], [-0.06453747, 0.01462299]]), 'deg. of freedom': 9, 'difference': array([ 0.38359753, 1.14423412, -0.39512928, -1.93449269, 1.82614391, -0.8132195 , -1.2525829 , -0.19194631, -0.73130972, 0.32932688, 1.28996347]), 'fitted values': array([ 3.88359753, 5.74423412, 7.60487072, 9.46550731, 11.32614391, 13.1867805 , 15.0474171 , 16.90805369, 18.76869028, 20.62932688, 22.48996347]), 'parameters': array([ 3.88359753, 1.86063659]), 'red. chisquare': 0.66103721158452333, 'xpl': array([ 0., 5., 10.]), 'ypl': array([ 3.88359753, 13.1867805 , 22.48996347])} ``fit.res`` is a Python dictionary, to see its keys only you can do: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [46]: fit.res.keys() and will get .. sourcecode:: ipython In [46]: fit.res.keys() Out[46]: ['red. chisquare', 'parameters', 'fitted values', 'deg. of freedom', 'xpl', 'cov. matrix', 'chisquare', 'difference', 'ypl'] To get the number of degrees of freedom in this fit, you would type .. sourcecode:: ipython In [47]: fit.res['deg. of freedom'] And you would get back the number 9, try it ! A very important quantity is the covariance matrix for error propagation. It is also there and you can assign it to the variable named e.g. ``cov`` and display it by doing: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [47]: cov = fit.cov In [48]: cov ``cov`` is a 2d array that can be used in error propagation later. It is also interesting to display the fitted line together with the data. First I draw the data using :func:`~LT.plotting.plot_exp` with the data arrays: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [49]: In [50]: B.plot_exp(t,dexp, derr); The fitted line is plotted automatically. It can also be drawn using the command below : .. sourcecode:: ipython In [51]: fit.plot() The linear fit is the one you will be mostly using in the analysis of your experiments. If you want to evaluate the fitted function (in this case a line) for any value :math:`x`. You use it as follows: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [52]: y = fit(x) ``y`` now contains the value of the fit function for the argument ``x`` Here is the result with everything labelled: .. plot:: pyplots/ :alt: Plot of position as a function of time (from with error bars. x-axis label "t(sec)", y-axis label "Distance(m) and a red line indicating the fitted function. Fitting a Polynomial -------------------- Maybe your data are not really for an object moving with constant velocity. If there is for instance an acceleration present the position would vary quadratically with time and the coefficient of the quadratic term would be proportional to the acceleration. You can try to determine this by fitting a polynomial of 2nd degree to the data using the function :class:`~LT_Fit.linear_fit.polyfit`: In this case the fit function would be: :math:`f(x) = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2` and the corresponding python command: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [53]: fitp=B.polyfit(t,dexp,derr,2) You could also have done: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [54]: fitp=B.polyfit(t,dexp,yerr=derr,order=2) ``yerr`` and ``order`` are keyword arguments. The number ``2`` indicates the polynomial order. The result looks like: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [43]: fitp=B.polyfit(t,dexp,derr,2) chisq/dof = 0.519062589345 parameter [ 0 ] = 3.12859470397 +/- 0.627859702779 parameter [ 1 ] = 2.45054883094 +/- 0.3288132167 parameter [ 2 ] = -0.061125765893 +/- 0.0328533890728 The corresponding parameters in this case are: :math:`a_0 =` fitp.par[0], :math:`a_1 =` fitp.par[1], :math:`a_2 =` fitp.par[2] And their uncertainties are: :math:`\sigma_{a_0} =` fitp.sig_par[0], :math:`\sigma_{a_1} =` fitp.sig_par[1], :math:`\sigma_{a_2} =` fitp.sig_par[2] As you can see there could be indeed a small negative acceleration. Also note that the complete fit results are stored in an object named fitp.res. You can plot the result of the quadratic fit by doing .. sourcecode:: ipython In [55]: fitp.plot() Which looks exactly like what you did for the line fit; all that has changed is the name of the result (here it is ``fitp`` before it was ``fit``) As for the case of the fitted line, the fitted polynomial can be used by: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [56]: y = fitp(x) ``y`` now contains the value of the fit function for the argument ``x``. In a general case, the function function :class:`~LT_Fit.linear_fit.polyfit` fits a polynomial of order :math:`n` :math:`f(x) = a_0 + a_1 x + a_2 x^2 + ... + a_n x^n` The python command in this case would be: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [57]: p=B.polyfit(x, y_exp,sigma_y,n) The :class:`~LT_Fit.linear_fit.polyfit` results are stored here in the variable ``p`` and the parameters :math:`a_i` correspond to ``p.par[i]`` or the :class:`~LT_Fit.parameters.Parameter` array ``p.parameters``. Histogram Fitting ----------------- The most frequently used fitting task in histograms is fitting a gaussian to a peak. This is useful to determine the location of a peak and other information on the peak shape such as width and height. Fitting a gaussian requires a non-linear fitting algorithm and is therefore a bit harder to use. The :class:`` object has a built-in fitting function that fits a gaussian on top of a quadratic background using the following fit function: :math:`f(x) = b_0 + b_1x + b_2x^2 + A exp(-(x - \mu)^2/\sigma^2)` By default only the gaussian peak parameters, :math:`A, \mu, \sigma`, are fitted and the background parameters :math:`b_0, b_1, b_2` are set to 0 and are kept constant. The fit parameters have the following meaning: ================= ===================================================================================== variable meaning ================= ===================================================================================== :math:`A` Peak height :math:`\mu` Peak position :math:`\sigma` Peak width (half width) :math:`b_o` Background constant term :math:`b_1` Background linear term :math:`b_2` Background quadratic term ================= ===================================================================================== The fit parameters cane be accessed as follows (:class:``): :math:`b_o =` : histo.b0 :math:`b_1 =` : histo.b1 :math:`b_2 =` : histo.b2 :math:`A =` : histo.A :math:`\mu =` : histo.mean :math:`\sigma =` : histo.sigma The parameters in :class:`` are not just numbers but objects with their own properties and functions (see :class:`~LT_Fit.parameters.Parameter` ). Which parameters are being used is controlled by the ``fit_list`` you can set it as follows ( I assume you have created a histogram with the name :ref:`hh ` previously): .. sourcecode:: ipython In[55]: hh.show_fit_list() # show the current fit list In[56]: hh.set_fit_list(['A','mean', 'sigma','b0','b1']) # set the fit list to fit a gaussian # on a linear background As mentioned above, the default ``fit_list`` is ``['A','mean', 'sigma']``. You can access a parameter value (e.g. for the parameter ``A``) in two ways: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [57]: hh.A() # 'call' the parameter Out[57]: 1.0 In [58]: hh.A.value # access its value directly Out[58]: 1.0 In [59]: hh.A.err # access its uncertainty Out[59]: 0.0 In [60]: # get the parameters name Out[66]: 'A' You can get all the 3 values returned as a tuple by the function: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [61]: hh.A.get() Out[61]: ('A', 1.0, 0.0) # ( name, value, error) tuple Fitting a gaussian peak uses so-called non-linear fitting since the gaussian can be regarded as a non-linear function of its parameters. Noon-linear fitting requires that all parameters have reasonable initial values. If you just fit a peak (without background) the initial values for the parameters are calculated automatically, using the the data within the range of data. If you set the fit list to also include the background parameters, then you need to set the initial values first, otherwise you risk that the fit fails. Below is an example how you could guess initial parameters for fitting a peak and how to set them: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [62]: hh.plot(); show() From the plot you can see that the location is around 150. For now set the position of the peak to 140, the height to 2 and sigma to 10: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [63]: hh.mean.set(140) In [64]: hh.A.set(2) In [65]: hh.sigma.set(10) Then let the fit run: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [66]: The output you should now be: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [66]: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fit results: A = 5.55018222684 +/- 0.569280666662 mean = 151.109462102 +/- 1.0413638285 sigma = 16.4156848452 +/- 1.30318794874 Chi square = 43.4234928935 Chi sq./DoF = 0.761815664798 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can plot the curve using .. sourcecode:: ipython In [67]: hh.plot_fit() .. plot:: pyplots/ :alt: Plot of histogram with bin width 1. A red line indicates the calculated fit curve that represents the data quite well. The final fit parameters are stored in the same variables (objects) as the initial parameters. **Note:** *Since fitting a gaussian is frequently done, histograms can estimate the initial fit parameters automatically, so that the setting initial parameters is normally not necessary.* Very often you want to fit only a part of the whole histogram. For instance if you want to fit a special peak in the :math:`^{60}\rm Co` spectrum it does not make sense to fit the entire spectrum (which would be impossible). You can enter limits in the :meth:`` command as follows to specify which region should be used as follows. You need to do this often as not all the data look like a gaussian on a quadratic background: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [68]:, 170.) or .. sourcecode:: ipython In [69]:, xmax=170.) The output should now look like: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [69]:, 170.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fit results: A = 5.56825412464 +/- 0.606395762891 mean = 151.670944315 +/- 1.27068525595 sigma = 11.650707696 +/- 1.34623344999 Chi square = 34.6108718653 Chi sq./DoF = 0.935428969334 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You can access the fitted function using: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [70]: hh.fit_func(131) Out[71]: 1.2762978123013764 Working with MCA Data --------------------- When you do experiments that use a Multi Channel Analyzer (MCA) such as the Maestro program of Ortec (e.g. in the Compton scattering experiment). You save the spectra as ASCII (.SPE) files. You can load these files into python as histograms as follows ( I assume the spectrum name is ``co_60_cal.Spe`` ): .. sourcecode:: ipython In [70]: co = B.get_spectrum('co_60_cal.SPE') In [71]: cs = B.get_spectrum('cs_137_cal.SPE') This function returns a histogram which I named co in this example. You can plot it using the standard function (``co.plot()``). Often you want to focus on a smaller region of the spectrum. This can be done by setting a window with the function ``set_window`` as follows. .. sourcecode:: ipython In [72]: clf() # clear the figure In [73]: co.set_window(200., 310.) In [74]: co.plot(); show() Now you see only the region between channels 200 and 310. The window can be cleared with the command ``clear_window()``. You can perform all the functions described above for histograms. Fitting a gaussian is especially useful in order to precisely determine the location of a peak. This is useful for calibrating the spectra that you have taken and is described below. Energy Calibration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An energy calibration is necessary in order to convert the channel number in your spectrum (histogram) to energy. For this you need to determine the parameters of a function (linear or polynomial) using calibration spectra where the energy of the various peaks are known. In most cases one can assume a linear relationship between channel number and energy. The procedure is as follows: - For each known peak fit a gaussian to the top part of each peak. This determines the peak position. - Create an array containing the fitted peak positions and call it ``pos`` - Create an array containing the corresponding known energies of the peaks and call this array ``energy``. The energy you can get from the literature or the source box. Make sure that the elements in the two arrays correspond to each other. - Another possibility would be to create a data file (````) and place these calibration data there. Then you can :ref:`load the data ` :ref:`from the file `. - Perform a linear fit as follows: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [75]: cal = B.linefit(pos, energy) You have now an object called ``cal`` that contains the calibration fit and the function that converts the channel number to an energy. - Load the spectrum again (preferably with a different name) and apply the new calibration: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [76]: co_cal = B.get_spectrum('co_60_cal.SPE', \ calibration = cal) In [77]: cs_cal = B.get_spectrum('cs_137_cal.SPE', \ calibration = cal) (The backslash means for python that the next line belongs to the first one.) The two new histograms ``co_cal`` and ``cs_cal`` have now calibrated x-axis. Also note that the statement ``calibration = cal.line`` tells the function ``get_spectrum`` to use the the function ``cal.line`` to convert channels to energy. If you leave this statement off no calibration will be applied. Below is an example of the two spectra plotted on top of each other. .. plot:: pyplots/ :alt: Plot of 2 superposed spectra. One with a prominent photo peak at 0.61 MeV for 137Cs and another with two peaks at 1.17 and 1.33 MeV for 60Co. Background Subtraction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the Compton experiment you should always have two spectra. One taken with the target and one without. We call the spectrum taken without the target the background spectrum. In order to determine the effect of the target you need to subtract the contribution of the background from the spectrum with the target. First you load the two spectra and apply the energy calibration: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [78]: cs_tar = B.get_spectrum('cs_45deg_target.SPE',\ calibration = cal) In [79]: cs_bck = B.get_spectrum('cs_45deg_empty.SPE', \ calibration = cal) Here I assumed that ``cs_45deg_target.SPE`` is the file containing the data with target and ``cs_45deg_empty.SPE`` is the one for the background. Now do: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [80]: cs_sig = cs_tar - cs_bck In [81]: clf() In [82]: cs_sig.plot() ``cs_sig`` contains the signal due to the target. This is the subtracted spectrum. ``clf()`` clears the potting window and ``cs_sig.plot()`` draws the result. Now you are ready to determine the energy of the scattered photons. General Linear Fitting ---------------------- Previously you have encountered fitting of a line and a polynomial to experimental data. Both of these functions are linear in their parameters which makes the least square minimization especially easy. The method can be generalized to fit a function of the form: :math:`F(x) = \sum_n a_n f_n(x)` where the :math:`f_n(x)` are arbitrary functions. To fit such an expression to experimental data we use the function :class:`~LT_Fit.linear_fit.gen_linfit` which stands for general linear fit. You need to supply the list of functions. If the functions are relatively simple you can use the so-called lambda function definition in python which allows you to define a function in one line: .. sourcecode:: ipython f = lambda x: sin(x) (return) here ``lambda`` is a python keyword, followed by the definition of the independent variable ( in this case ``x``) the expression to the right of the colon is the function. In the example above we therefore defined the function :math:`f(x) = sin(x)`. As an example let’s fit the expression: :math:`f(x) = a_0 + a_1 cos(x) + a_2 cos(2 x)` to the data given by: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [83]: x = array([ 0. , 0.62831853, 1.25663706, 1.88495559, 2.51327412, 3.14159265, 3.76991118, 4.39822972, 5.02654825, 5.65486678, 6.28318531]) In [84]: yexp = array([ 0.57344385, 0.46120388, -0.00214848, -0.17668092, -0.01647612, 0.0076221 , 0.00437011, -0.13967365, 0.01691304, 0.35493354, 0.53339805]) In [85]: sigma = array([ 0.05458054, 0.04165251, 0.04823802, 0.05061557, 0.05109571, 0.04412829, 0.045951 , 0.04180152, 0.04169562, 0.05209264, 0.04291919]) Make a plot of the data with errorbars: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [86]: B.plot_exp(x, yexp, sigma); show() Next we define the array of fitting functions using lambda functions: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [86]: f0 = lambda x:1 In [87]: f1 = lambda x:cos(x) In [88]: f2 = lambda x:cos(2.*x) Now we can carry out the fit: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [89]: fit = B.gen_linfit( [f0, f1, f2], x, yexp, yerr = sigma) with the result: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [89]: fit = B.gen_linfit( [f0, f1, f2], x, yexp, yerr = sigma) chisq/dof = 0.964271036369 parameter [ 0 ] = 0.105955015666 +/- 0.0138090697524 parameter [ 1 ] = 0.263317652532 +/- 0.0189765024267 parameter [ 2 ] = 0.204635671851 +/- 0.0186129715857 The fitted function can now be plotted using .. sourcecode:: ipython In [90]: fit.plot(); show() .. plot:: pyplots/ :alt: Experimental data points for a fictitious experiment with fitted curve. x-axis label "Theta (rad)", y-axis label "U (arb. units)", title "A fictitious experiment" As usual the fit function with the current parameters can be evaluated using ``fit.func(x)`` .. sourcecode:: ipython In [91]: fit(3.5) Out[91]: array([ 0.01364473]) You can access the fitted parameters as follows: :math:`a_0 =` fit.par[0], :math:`a_1 =` fit.par[1], :math:`a_2 =` fit.par[2] The parameter uncertainties are accessed via: :math:`\sigma_{a_0} =` fitp.sig_par[0], :math:`\sigma_{a_1} =` fitp.sig_par[1], :math:`\sigma_{a_2} =` fitp.sig_par[2] General Non-Linear Fitting -------------------------- In this case the fitting function is not a linear function of the parameters to be found which requires an iterative procedure to find the minimal value of :math:`\chi^2`. There are many different methods available to minimize :math:`\chi^2`, the one used here is based on the Levenberg-Marquardt method. In this case it is important that the parameters have reasonable initial values or it is not guaranteed that the fit converges and a real minimum is found. You have encountered this type of fitting when you fitted a peak in a histogram. Here you will find how to define a general fitting function and how to fit the experimental values using :class:`~LT_Fit.gen_fit.genfit`. As an example lets fit a sum of two exponential functions. This would be a situation where two radioactive decays with different lifetimes contribute to your measurement. The fitting function is :math:`F(x) = A_1 e^{-\lambda_1 x} + A_2 e^{-\lambda_2 x}` We need to determine the parameters :math:`A_1, A_2, \lambda_1, \lambda_2`. The data are as follows: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [92]: t = array([ 0. , 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1. , 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2. ]) In [93]: counts = array([ 1235., 665., 369., 221., 165., 108., 79., 77., 67., 56., 46.]) In [94]: sigma = array([ 34.64101615, 24.92931125, 18.70989477, 14.77306954, 12.26884392, 10.62021419, 9.46275219, 8.58402083, 7.8676807 , 7.25221607, 6.7053333 ]) First we need to define the parameters to be fitted, using the :class:`~LT_Fit.parameters.Parameter` object: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [95]: a1 = B.Parameter( 1., 'A1') In [96]: a2 = B.Parameter( 1., 'A2') In [97]: lam1 = B.Parameter( 1., 'lambda1') In [98]: lam2 = B.Parameter( 1., 'lambda2') It is always a good practice to give your variables and objects names that correspond as closely as possible to the names of the quantities they represent. The statements above do three things: #. they create the parameter object (``a1``) #. they assign an initial value to it (``1.``) and #. they also assign a printable name (``A1``). Check the capabilities of the parameters by entering the following: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [99]: a1 Out[99]: In [100]: print( a1 ) A1 = 1.0 +/- 0.0 In [101]: a1() Out[101]: 1.0 In [102]: a1.set(10.) In [103]: print( a1 ) A1 = 10.0 +/- 0.0 In [104]: a1.get() Out[104]: ('A1', 10.0, 0.0) As you can see, the print statement prints the name of the parameter, its current value and its error. Calling the parameter like a function returns its current value. This is used when defining the fitting function. The ``set`` function is used to assign or change its value and the ``get`` function returns all its information in a tuple. We are now ready to define the fitting function: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [105]: def f(x): return ( a1() * exp(-lam1()*x) + a2() * exp(-lam2()*x) ) **Note:** each parameter must have ``()`` attached. You need to press ``return`` twice in this case. After defining the fitting function we are ready to perform the fit: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [106]: F = B.genfit(f, [a1, lam1, a2, lam2], x = t, y = counts, y_err = sigma) The arguments are as follows: ======================== ========================================================== Argument Meaning ======================== ========================================================== ``f`` the fitting function ``[a1, lam1, a2, lam2]`` the list of the parameters used in the fitting function ``x = t`` sets ``t`` to be the independent variable ``y = counts`` set counts to be the experimental values to be fitted ``y_err = sigma`` set sigma to be the uncertainties for each measurement ======================== ========================================================== If you are lucky, the end result looks something like: .. sourcecode:: ipython ---------------------------------------------------------- fit results : ---------------------------------------------------------- chisquare = 3.26261615416 red. chisquare = 0.466088022023 parameters: parameter 0 : A1 = 1094.3509 +/- 57.7375 parameter 1 : lambda1 = 3.6206 +/- 0.3119 parameter 2 : A2 = 143.7352 +/- 56.5435 parameter 3 : lambda2 = 0.5485 +/- 0.2298 It might be tricky in the beginning to get a good fit right away. In this case you can also fit only part of the parameters in the function. In the example we fit only the parameters of the first term (``a1, lam1``) and keep the parameters of the second term (``a2, lam2``) fixed .. sourcecode:: ipython In [107]: a1.set(1.) # reset a1 to 1 In [108]: lam1.set(1.) # lambda1 back to 1 In [109]: a2.set(0.) # a2 = 0: second term does not contribute In [110]: lam2.set(1.) In [111]: F1 = B.genfit(f, [a1, lam1], x = t, y = counts, y_err = sigma) # fit only a1 and lam1 The in the second step, ``a1`` and ``lam1`` remain constant and only ``a2`` and ``lam2`` are fitted .. sourcecode:: ipython In [112]: F2 = B.genfit(f, [a2, lam2], x = t, y = counts, y_err = sigma) # fit only a2 and lam2 This should give you a good initial parameter guess. In the last step you fit all parameters: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [113]: F = B.genfit(f, [a1, lam1, a2, lam2], x = t, y = counts, y_err = sigma) # fit all This should give you an output similar the one shown previously. You can plot the exp. data and the fitted values using .. sourcecode:: ipython In [114]: B.plot_exp(t, counts, sigma) In [115]: F.plot(); show() .. plot:: pyplots/ :alt: Semi-log plot of simulated radioactive decay data with fitted line from a non-linear fit. x-axis label "t(s)", y-axis label "Contents", title "Radioactive Decay with 2 time constants" The fitting function with its current parameter values can be accessed via ``F(x)`` . An example to plot the differences between the fit and the experimental values: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [116]: d_counts = counts - F(t) In [117]: clf() In [118]: B.plot_exp(t, d_counts, sigma); show() Goodness of a Fit, how to interpret :math:`\chi^2` -------------------------------------------------- The quantity :math:`\chi^2` is a measure of how well your fitted curve agrees with your experimental data. For a detailed discussion of this quantity please refer to good statistics texts on data analysis such as e.g **Data Reduction and Error Analysis for the Physics Sciences** by P.R.Bevington and D.K Robinson (a classic) or **An Introduction to Error Analysis: The Study of Uncertainties in Physical Measurements** by J.R. Taylor or **Statistics for Nuclear and Particle Physicists** my Louis Lyon and many more. There are of course also considerably more advanced books which you might want to consider later in your career. The fitting procedures described above are based on least square fitting where the quantity: .. math:: \chi^2 = \sum_{i=1}^{N}\left[\frac{(y_i-y^{fit}_i(a_1,\dots a_m))}{\sigma_i}\right]^2 is minimized by varying the (fit-)parameters :math:`a_1,\dots a_m)`. The so-called reduced :math:`\chi^2_{red}` is defined as .. math:: \chi^2 = \frac{\chi^2}{(N-m)} and the quantity :math:`N - m` is called the number of degrees of freedom of the fit. If your data are well described by your model function :math:`y^{fit}(x)` then :math:`\chi^2_{red}\approx 1.`. All fit functions also calculate a quantity loosely called the confidence level which corresponds to the probability that a new set of data will result in a :math:`\chi^2` value which is larger than the one you obtained. If your error estimates are correct and the function you selected really describes the data then this probability should be around 0.5. This quantity is automatically calculated in your fit and called :math:`CL`. E.g. for the linear fit described in the beginning you could view it by entering .. sourcecode:: ipython In [45]: fit.CL When :math:`CL` is close to 1, it indicates that your error estimates are probably too large (your :math:`\chi^2_{red}` value typically is small) and when :math:`CL` is very small it indicates the model you use does not represent the data very well (typically :math:`\chi^2_{red} >> 1`) *Caution:* Neither the :math:`\chi^2_{red}` nor the :math:`CL` value can identify the exact problem of a fit. Fitting data without Errors --------------------------- Sometime you might not have information on the uncertainties (errors) of the individual data points that you are using in a fit. In this case the value of :math:`\sigma_i` is set to 1 for all data points. In this case you cannot interpret the :math:`\chi^2` value as above, but you get an estimate of the common error of your measurements. You can look at it by doing: .. sourcecode:: ipython In [45]: fit.common_error Note: *This quantity is only calculated if you did not provide measurement errors.*